Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Photography 365 Project: (Day 167: Converting My Everyday)

I never used to be a huge fan of black and white photography, but I have to admit that it's growing on me.  I find it especially useful for the times my husband's face is lilac-coloured from a purple computer screen.  Here is my lovely SOOC (straight-out-of-camera):

This is what the photo looks like in black and white (by simply pressing the conversion button and doing nothing else):
It's kind of blah.  My eyes dart all over the frame from the bright tip of the lamp in the top, left-hand corner, to the square of kitchen light reflecting in the window behind the loveseat.  My eyes just briefly graze over Nick whose skin is a nice grey that almost matches the wall in the background.  I'm looking everywhere.  My eyes are attracted to all things bright and shiny - the white canvass with the heart, the glare on the couch arm, that one especially bright tiny dot right in the middle of the window.  I'm taking in the room as a whole.  Even the board games on the very far right-hand side are peeping out from the shadows at me.

So with a little love and time spent in Lightroom and Photoshop, I managed to create the look I envisioned.  I minimized the distractions and pulled the focus to where I wanted it.  I didn't want to say, "Look here is my livingroom and it happens to be in black and white.  Oh yeah, Nick's there, too".  I wanted to say, "Enter this moment with me.  Let all the outside distractions fade away at the end of a long day, and come into our little relaxing space.  A space where it's just Nick, me, a couple of drinks, and a computer keying up our evening show that we are about to enjoy together on the couch :)".

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