
Hi there, here's a little bit (or a lot!) about me:


My name is Laura, and I've been married to Nick, the love of my life, since 2009.  I grew up as an only child out in the country with my parents.  Chasing bears off the deck with pellet guns and garden hoses was a weekly event, and it was 45 minutes to the nearest 7-11.  I was also home-schooled from grade 5 through 12, though I mostly got over my social awkwardness during post secondary ;).  I am still an introvert at heart and there is no place I would rather be than tucked away in my own home.


I can be ridiculously stubborn, tenacious and driven.  I am a type-A personality in the extreme.  Most people think that I am an extrovert because I am so opinionated and loud.  (I once won an award for being the 'loudest Brownie').  However, I really am an introvert and need lots of down time in my own home in order to not go crazy and get overly people saturated.


I previously was employed as a legal assistant, but now am a healthcare software trainer.  Between doing that 8 hours a day Monday to Friday (with over an hour commute each way),  teaching piano Monday to Thursday evenings, and slowly working on starting a small photography/videography business with my husband, I'm rarely bored.


Most people who know me would list piano as one of my top hobbies.  I have my A.R.C.T. diploma in piano performance and, as I mentioned above, teach most weekday evenings after work.  However, it feels more like just "what I do" than a hobby to me.  If I have spare moments, they are rarely spent at the bench.  Pretty much the only time you will see me there without a student is if I need to learn some sheets for when I play on the worship team at church or when I do my yearly recital and play a piece in addition to my students.

I also love the violin, photography, good t.v. series on Netflix, movies, board games and good books (though I try to avoid the latter as books tend to completely consume my life until I finish them!).  I am a huge couch potato so if I'm not being super productive, the other state you will find me in is doing a whole lot of nothing!


Nick is my complementary opposite.  What comes easy to one of us, is usually work for the other.  He was raised in the wide open prairies surrounded by lots of family, church and school functions.  He is the oldest of 5 children and thrives from being with people. He is creative, talented, and a dreamer.  He followed God's calling down to the Canadian West Coast, where we now live, to work in the visual media industry.

He started his own film company with a couple partners and did that for a number of years and also spent some time assistant managing one of the leading wedding film companies in North America - Life Studios Inc.  Currently, he is branching out completely solo (in a partnership with me) as we create our own company - Paraphrase Productions.  He plays a bit of violin, but drumming is his passion.  He also loves good movies, board games and books probably even more than I do.  We're pretty much the same person in terms of interests, just with vastly polar personalities :)


I saved the best for last.  Both my husband and I are followers of Jesus Christ.  He is our Saviour, our Purpose, our Leader, and the One we seek to honour behind everything we do and are.